Sion Software manufactures software for music composition, recording and publishing. Our products are licensed and distributed worldwide. Sion Software has been involved in the music software industry since 1987. Our research projects have qualified for and received research funding from BC Research and have qualified for research funding from the NRC.
QuickScore is music composition software that includes complete scoring, sequencing and recording in one integrated package. It allows real-time and step-time entry from a MIDI keyboard, step-time entry using the mouse, detailed editing of notes, MIDI controllers and musical symbols, playback on any sound card or MIDI module and high-quality printing using any windows-compatible printer. The complete list of capabilities and features is much too extensive to be included here. QuickScore was named the Electronic Musician 1998 and 1995 Editors' Choice for notation software and won the Ten Reviews Gold Award for music notation software in 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006 and 2005 as well as numerous other awards.
Copyist is music publishing software that lets the user create tricky musical examples that are difficult or impossible to create using other software tools. Copyist works with your existing QuickScore files, giving you the power to fine-tune any score created in QuickScore Elite. Because Copyist treats notes, staves, clefs and other musical symbols as graphical elements, a user has the freedom to put musical objects on the page regardless of musical rules. This freedom allows one to easily create small excerpts to be included in work that is predominantly text, as well as very complex scores which are difficult to create using software which must follow musical rules.